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Observation of Planet Mars

Mars store a plethora of mystery to humans on Earth. Several observations made by scientists to unravel the mystery, from the level of material beings living there.

For the latter, the plan will be implemented later this year. After more than four decades of human send robots to Mars, man has now entered a new phase. Men will jump to the Curiosity rover vehicle mission to the red planet.

In fact, Mars has been observed by humans for thousands of years. However, with a different perspective. With the advent of advanced technology, humans continue to change the perception that the red planet once in a while.

Here is a series of observations that humans are divided in five years, said of, Saturday, March 26, 2011:

• In 1500 SMPermukaan Planet Mars

At this time, the kingdom of Egypt very glorious. They named Mars as "Horus the Falcon," a falcon-headed god. Horus is known as one of the oldest gods and significant role in ancient Egyptian religion. At that time, the human record retrograde motion (setback) of Mars, where he moves back outside or inside for that orbits the Earth. Humans still regard Mars as another satellite to the moon.

• In 350 BC

Aristotle became the first man to say that Mars distance greater than the distance of the Moon to Earth, although it is still considered the Red Planet in Earth orbit, and not the gift Based on their observations, Aristotle notes that the moon passed in front of Mars.

• Year 1609 AD

At this time, humans have known telescope. Using the telescope, Galileo Galilei became the first humans to directly observe Mars up close. He said no Mars orbits the Sun, the Earth. Unfortunately, perception is contradicted by the Vatican.

• Year 1666 AD

An astronomer named Giovanni Cassini trying to calculate how long a day on Mars. Through observation teleskopiknya, he noticed that there was ice at the poles, and even calculate its distance from Earth.

• In 1840 AD

Wilhelm Beer and Johann Heinrich Mädler are the two astronomers who study Mars first with 3.75 inch telescope, and made the first complete draft with the Martian surface.

There is life in the atmosphere of Venus?

The surface of Venus, unlike Earth-friendly living beings. The opportunity to live right there near zero. However, according to some scientists, unlike the case with the atmosphere of Venus.

According to some sources, the possibility of primitive life forms is still circulating among the mixed gases in the atmosphere of Venus.

Not stopping there, the experts said it plans to continue the mission. They will make a sort of mission to collect samples of any potential "residents" who may be hiding there. As reported by the Daily Galaxy, Wednesday, March 23, 2011.

Over the years, several spacecraft approached the planet and analyze it somehow. However, they do not know much about Venus and Mars. The scientists studied the Red Planet is a non-stop over the past decades.

Although theories have emerged and begun to show that there is life on Mars, Venus may be saving the big surprise for scientists, especially astrobiologist. However, the mystery was solved easily evaluated. According to scientists, simply by sending a balloon flying to the planet to capture life in the atmosphere of Venus.

On the surface of the planet Venus, recorded very high temperatures. The heat can even vaporize the mercury and lead turning solid in puddles. Pressure levels up to 20 times the Earth, so we can be sure that the materials and structures of life can not exist on this planet. If anything, they are likely to survive the conditions were minimal.

Surprisingly, even the atmosphere of Venus is similar to Earth. Quite far from the surface. Cloud even have the same temperature as well as pressure level. A number of studies, although small, this means that the chemical composition of the cloud is very similar to the cloud around the Earth for billions of years.

That is, the atmosphere is the atmosphere of Venus is very similar to the atmosphere of the Earth's atmosphere when it formed. The atmosphere of Venus and Earth are both not containing sulfuric acid. This is a promising lead for many people. Indeed, even skeptics admit that this needs to be explored in more detail.

Regardless of the various findings are analyzed from Earth, the fact that scientists feel the need to send a long-range rocket to collect samples directly. Only in this way can ensure that life exists or not on the surface of our neighboring planet Earth.


Bright flash of light in the sky that the Danish astronomer surprising, Tycho Brahe, over 400 years ago is not something strange. At least after a team of scientists discover the secret behind the events that are rarely seen naked eye.

Until now, scientists believe that the bright light coming from exploding stars or supernovas. But what kind of supernova that caused is still an enigma of nature until now.

Recent research published in the journal Nature found that bright light came from the explosion of a white dwarf binary type (white dwarf). The conclusion was obtained after combined scientists from Germany, Japan and the Netherlands, who observed reflections produced after many years.

The story of an event known as Tycho's supernova began to spread on November 11, 1572. As Brahe was surprised to see a bright light in the sky that claimed a very bright star in the constellation Cassiopeia new surroundings. However, a light as bright as the planet Venus was only last two weeks and disappear completely after 16 months.

Since that time no telescope, Brahe recorded in detail. Unlike the moon or the planets, the position of not shake the shiny object in relation to other stars. This shows that the light was far behind.
Shortly events are the panoramic views of being in the same place. Since then, the commitment of Brahe more intensive study of star and start a tradition of modern astronomy.

The resulting light of exploding stars were already far beyond the Earth hundreds of years ago. However, the resultant powder, and still dispersed in the gas space, so that the event can still be followed. Recent research is also performed based on analysis of wave reflection may also be recorded at this time.

Foreign Planet Approaching Destruction

A newly discovered alien planet is very special because it orbits a dying star. This planet sought because it can help astronomers study the process of destruction of the planet. It will open a new knowledge about the process of time in the solar system.

The types alien planet palnet gas and six times the size of Jupiter. It orbits a red giant star called HD 102272, which is in the constellation Leo, 1200 light years away (one light year equals 9.5 trillion kilometers). In this star had already been discovered yet another planet orbiting at larger distances.

The stars are small and medium enterprises as the Sun is believed to be gradually transformed into a red giant star, such as reducing emissions from nuclear power releases. Once exhausted the hydrogen is released, the core of the star will expand and begin to burn helium. Part permukannya will swell to 100 times their original size. Since changes of gift so far, and a number of planet Earth may have been destroyed.

"When red-giant stars expand, they will devour planets nearby," said Alexander Wolszczan, an astrophysicist at the University of Pennsylvania who recorded the new planet with the Hobby-Eberly Telescope in McDonals Observatory, Texas, USA. He and his team used techniques for monitoring the fluctuation of light when planets transit, or cross in front of its star.

The newly discovered planet is just 0.6 AU (1 astronomical unit equals the Sun-Earth distance). This is the closest distance of a planet with a red giant star ever recorded so far. Own new star 10 times the size of the Sun and will continue to expand to 100 times.

"The planet itself orbits not in a vacuum, but exhaled gas shocks stellar. Thus decreased energy to orbit the friction with the atmosphere of gas and eventually began to sway in spiral motion," said Wolszczan. How to stop the planet's history, said Wolszczan probably will not happen in 100 million years. The sun itself takes 5 billion years to turn into a red giant star.

13 Most Dangerous Lightning

Thunder or lightning is a natural phenomenon that typically appears during the rainy season, where the sky seems a flash of light momentarily blinding flash is usually called a few moments later followed with a booming voice, often called thunder. The time difference is due to difference in appearance between the sound speed and the speed of light.

Here are the 13 most dangerous rays.

1. St. Elmo's Fire

It has been around for centuries, beginning with the ancient Greeks, Julius Caesar, Columbus and Magellan. After Benjamin Franklin lightning rod, this phenomenon is seen more on the ground, causing fear as inspiration blue flame spirits and ghost stories.


Thunder Ball is a strange phenomenon, a review of reports to the ancient Greeks. The most common type is the flash of lightning streak, but the flash is causing the greatest threat to life and property. Beam can be triggered by a number of events ranging from a thermonuclear explosion to launch rockets, such as the Apollo Challenger or 12.

3. Deadly

In the United States, on average 58 people are killed each year by lightning. About 250 people survive each year after being struck by lightning, but most live with permanent scars.

4. Cloud Flashes

When the flash fires at the clouds, sometimes you can see the line in the air around the storm. It's called the lightning cloud-to-air, or so-called "Anvil Crawler" Lightning can also travel from cloud to cloud. When lightning seems embedded in the clouds and it seems that the luminosity during the flash part, called a light sheet or intra-cloud lightning. Many people have seen a hot flash, but said they did not hear the thunder. However, the thunder in the distance was too far away to be heard. Every time there is lightning, there was also thunder.

5. Cloud-to-sea Lightning

Water is an excellent conductor, so it's smart to stay away from the sea, lakes and ponds during storms. In a storm, the sailors at risk the Sea Cloud lightning. Besides strong winds, high waves choppy and heavy rain. Sailors are encouraged to seek safe haven until the storm passes and ensure the crew wore jackets.

5. Re-strike

Lightning stroke consists of 3-4 individuals, but can have more. Separated by 40-50 milliseconds, causing the effect of "strobe light". The first is the strongest. Each successive stroke usually re-uses the discharge channel taken by the previous course. Prolonged by a thunder strike back.

6. Mind-blowing Beauty

Lightning in the air emitting a white light, but can appear as different colors, depending on weather conditions. Because of humidity, fog, dust and radius, as may appear bright red or orange in a manner that is not the same as the sunset.

7. Upper Atmospheric Lightning

Although rarely visible to the naked eye, the lightning is very special, rarely seen as a flash of red sprites, blue jets and elves. Width Sprite, weak flashes of the storm. Lightning Sprite appears as a giant jellyfish with a light blue blood red, depending on the length of the tentacles. Jet Blue and shot close above the storm. JJet blue sprites and was first recorded airplane.

8. Scary Powerful Strikes to Towers, Bulidings

Typically, during storm, 80% of visible rays in the cloud and 20% in soil. Buildings, towers and other high points are often struck by lightning, since the electricity found its way and less resistance. Lightning from the sky down, but the part you see from the bottom up. Can strike the same place more than once.

9. Double Lightning

Lightning is an awesome force of nature. Beautiful and dangerous. Blue Lightning-bright caused by extreme heat. Lightning hotter than surface of the sun. Lightning couple has multiple threats as well.

10. Multiple Strike & Long Exposure Photo

This is the basic type thunder cloud that appears to dissolve in a short rope lamp, which lasted longer than usual. Lightning looks a bit like a ribbon. This happened in a whirlwind with high traffic and a stroke last year. The wind blew back then for each stroke as well as for the back side of the stroke earlier, shows the effect of the tape. Staccato Lightning has a short, appears as a single very bright flash and often has considerable impact.

11. Rocket Lightning

Lightning rocket generally horizontally and at the cloud base. Light emerging through the air channels with a high-speed, often disconnected. This movement resembles the movement of a rocket. This is one of the rarer types.

12. Volcanic Triggered Lightning

Volcanic lightning is triggered is not something we see often. At least before the inferno exploding in Iceland. There are three types of volcanic lighting. Ray can be triggered by the eruption of a huge volcano, emitting gases and materials into the atmosphere. Intermediate type of volcanic vents, sometimes 1.8 km in length. Then there was a spark of types of rays are much shorter and takes only a few milliseconds.

13. Sensational-volcanic lightning

Lightning, fire, ice, gray and join here, volcanic lightning sparked something sounded like a shotgun blast, while the electricity produced by generating a roar along.

10 Cloud the world's rarest

A cloud is a visible mass of water droplets or frozen crystals suspended in the atmosphere above the surface of the Earth or another planetary body. The cloud is also a visible mass attracted by gravity, such as masses of material in space called interstellar clouds and nebulae. The clouds studied the science of clouds or cloud physics branch of meteorology.

cloud forms are also much, but this time I will discuss cloud ten most rare in the world. Here's the photo.

1. Nacreous clouds

We rarely see these clouds, sometimes called mother of pearl clouds to an altitude of 15 - 25 km (9 miles -16) in the stratosphere and well above tropospheric clouds. They have a variety of colors, but not just any color. This color variation is formed from the polarization of sunlight. The clouds are mostly seen in the polar regions and in winter at high latitudes, Scandinavia, Alaska, northern Canada. low-level iridescent clouds can be seen anywhere. Nacreous clouds glow in the sun on a plateau two hours after sunset or before sunrise.

2. Mammatus Clouds

Clouds Mammatus cloud structures pockets. Mammatus clouds are harmless and looks like a tornado will happen, but it's the wrong perception of these clouds are formed instead of tornado passed.

3. Altocumulus Castelanus

Castelanus also known as altocumulus clouds of jellyfish, due to its appearance as a jellyfish. This photo was taken by about 17,000 feet. The top of the cloud went up a jellyfish and is often found ketikai tentakel.awan water evaporates before it rains.

4. Noctilucent Clouds

This cloud is a rare cloud formation extroadinarily in hall 82 km to 102 km from the Earth's surface higher (OSA). Noctilucent clouds in another hemisphere will resemble bright.

5. Mushroom Clouds

The mushroom cloud is a mushroom-shaped cloud formed from the distinctive smoke, condensed water vapor, or debris from the explosion was huge. They are often associated with a nuclear explosion. but not all mushroom resulting from the effects of a nuclear explosion. The eruption of Mount can produce natural mushroom clouds. Mushroom clouds are formed due to thermal changes and the types of clouds suddenly.

6. Cirrus Kelvin-Helmholtz

Kelvin-Helmholtz Cirrus comes lined, spiral and horizontal or Kelvin-Helmholtz Cirrus is one of the most distinctive cloud formations. However, these clouds are formed only a minute or two, the result is rarely seen clouds. The average height is about 16,500 feet

7. Lenticular Clouds

Lenticular clouds, technically known as altocumulus lenticular booth is shaped clouds that form at high altitudes.
When wet air flows unstable in hilly or mountainous area, a series of waves formed by a large scale, the cloud formed when the wind. Under certain conditions, the lenticular cloud formations known as "wave clouds". These clouds are often mistaken for UFOs!

8. Clouds roll

The clouds roll formed from a horizontal pipe with a flurry of storm clouds, or a cloud cold. Clouds roll can also be a sign of microburst activity.

9. Shelf Cloud

Unlike a roll cloud, cloud Shelf (shelf) is connected to the base of a cloud (normally takes place when there is a storm). The movement of the cloud outside looks soft and straight, while the interior looks bumpy and torn.

10. Stratocumulus Clouds

According to the Sapporo Meteorological Observatory, stratocumulus clouds formed by buried currents of warm air and cold air currents. These clouds are seldom seen.

Supermoon Maret 2011

Supermoon or what could be called a lunar perigee is a phenomenon where the moon will be at its greatest view on earth, it will make the moon look larger than usual.

This phenomenon has occurred 18 years ago, in 1993, and will be repeated this year, on Saturday, March 19, 2011. If the weather the night sky is not the covert support and we could see the moon than normal. But there are some astronomers who mengataken Supermoon will affect climate patterns on Earth memunginkan natural disasters such as earthquakes.

But as loaded, Friday, March 4, 2011, then an astronomer is Pete Wheeler of the International Centre for Radio Astronomy said that there would be no earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. If that happened was fate.

At that time, the sea will have ups and downs largest to smallest. Since it is possible that there is a correlation between large-scale earthquake near the equator and the Moon - a new time or full moon.

Easy - I just hope we get to see and enjoy the sighting of a month without disaster.
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