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13 Most Dangerous Lightning

Thunder or lightning is a natural phenomenon that typically appears during the rainy season, where the sky seems a flash of light momentarily blinding flash is usually called a few moments later followed with a booming voice, often called thunder. The time difference is due to difference in appearance between the sound speed and the speed of light.

Here are the 13 most dangerous rays.

1. St. Elmo's Fire

It has been around for centuries, beginning with the ancient Greeks, Julius Caesar, Columbus and Magellan. After Benjamin Franklin lightning rod, this phenomenon is seen more on the ground, causing fear as inspiration blue flame spirits and ghost stories.


Thunder Ball is a strange phenomenon, a review of reports to the ancient Greeks. The most common type is the flash of lightning streak, but the flash is causing the greatest threat to life and property. Beam can be triggered by a number of events ranging from a thermonuclear explosion to launch rockets, such as the Apollo Challenger or 12.

3. Deadly

In the United States, on average 58 people are killed each year by lightning. About 250 people survive each year after being struck by lightning, but most live with permanent scars.

4. Cloud Flashes

When the flash fires at the clouds, sometimes you can see the line in the air around the storm. It's called the lightning cloud-to-air, or so-called "Anvil Crawler" Lightning can also travel from cloud to cloud. When lightning seems embedded in the clouds and it seems that the luminosity during the flash part, called a light sheet or intra-cloud lightning. Many people have seen a hot flash, but said they did not hear the thunder. However, the thunder in the distance was too far away to be heard. Every time there is lightning, there was also thunder.

5. Cloud-to-sea Lightning

Water is an excellent conductor, so it's smart to stay away from the sea, lakes and ponds during storms. In a storm, the sailors at risk the Sea Cloud lightning. Besides strong winds, high waves choppy and heavy rain. Sailors are encouraged to seek safe haven until the storm passes and ensure the crew wore jackets.

5. Re-strike

Lightning stroke consists of 3-4 individuals, but can have more. Separated by 40-50 milliseconds, causing the effect of "strobe light". The first is the strongest. Each successive stroke usually re-uses the discharge channel taken by the previous course. Prolonged by a thunder strike back.

6. Mind-blowing Beauty

Lightning in the air emitting a white light, but can appear as different colors, depending on weather conditions. Because of humidity, fog, dust and radius, as may appear bright red or orange in a manner that is not the same as the sunset.

7. Upper Atmospheric Lightning

Although rarely visible to the naked eye, the lightning is very special, rarely seen as a flash of red sprites, blue jets and elves. Width Sprite, weak flashes of the storm. Lightning Sprite appears as a giant jellyfish with a light blue blood red, depending on the length of the tentacles. Jet Blue and shot close above the storm. JJet blue sprites and was first recorded airplane.

8. Scary Powerful Strikes to Towers, Bulidings

Typically, during storm, 80% of visible rays in the cloud and 20% in soil. Buildings, towers and other high points are often struck by lightning, since the electricity found its way and less resistance. Lightning from the sky down, but the part you see from the bottom up. Can strike the same place more than once.

9. Double Lightning

Lightning is an awesome force of nature. Beautiful and dangerous. Blue Lightning-bright caused by extreme heat. Lightning hotter than surface of the sun. Lightning couple has multiple threats as well.

10. Multiple Strike & Long Exposure Photo

This is the basic type thunder cloud that appears to dissolve in a short rope lamp, which lasted longer than usual. Lightning looks a bit like a ribbon. This happened in a whirlwind with high traffic and a stroke last year. The wind blew back then for each stroke as well as for the back side of the stroke earlier, shows the effect of the tape. Staccato Lightning has a short, appears as a single very bright flash and often has considerable impact.

11. Rocket Lightning

Lightning rocket generally horizontally and at the cloud base. Light emerging through the air channels with a high-speed, often disconnected. This movement resembles the movement of a rocket. This is one of the rarer types.

12. Volcanic Triggered Lightning

Volcanic lightning is triggered is not something we see often. At least before the inferno exploding in Iceland. There are three types of volcanic lighting. Ray can be triggered by the eruption of a huge volcano, emitting gases and materials into the atmosphere. Intermediate type of volcanic vents, sometimes 1.8 km in length. Then there was a spark of types of rays are much shorter and takes only a few milliseconds.

13. Sensational-volcanic lightning

Lightning, fire, ice, gray and join here, volcanic lightning sparked something sounded like a shotgun blast, while the electricity produced by generating a roar along.
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