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10 Cloud the world's rarest

A cloud is a visible mass of water droplets or frozen crystals suspended in the atmosphere above the surface of the Earth or another planetary body. The cloud is also a visible mass attracted by gravity, such as masses of material in space called interstellar clouds and nebulae. The clouds studied the science of clouds or cloud physics branch of meteorology.

cloud forms are also much, but this time I will discuss cloud ten most rare in the world. Here's the photo.

1. Nacreous clouds

We rarely see these clouds, sometimes called mother of pearl clouds to an altitude of 15 - 25 km (9 miles -16) in the stratosphere and well above tropospheric clouds. They have a variety of colors, but not just any color. This color variation is formed from the polarization of sunlight. The clouds are mostly seen in the polar regions and in winter at high latitudes, Scandinavia, Alaska, northern Canada. low-level iridescent clouds can be seen anywhere. Nacreous clouds glow in the sun on a plateau two hours after sunset or before sunrise.

2. Mammatus Clouds

Clouds Mammatus cloud structures pockets. Mammatus clouds are harmless and looks like a tornado will happen, but it's the wrong perception of these clouds are formed instead of tornado passed.

3. Altocumulus Castelanus

Castelanus also known as altocumulus clouds of jellyfish, due to its appearance as a jellyfish. This photo was taken by about 17,000 feet. The top of the cloud went up a jellyfish and is often found ketikai tentakel.awan water evaporates before it rains.

4. Noctilucent Clouds

This cloud is a rare cloud formation extroadinarily in hall 82 km to 102 km from the Earth's surface higher (OSA). Noctilucent clouds in another hemisphere will resemble bright.

5. Mushroom Clouds

The mushroom cloud is a mushroom-shaped cloud formed from the distinctive smoke, condensed water vapor, or debris from the explosion was huge. They are often associated with a nuclear explosion. but not all mushroom resulting from the effects of a nuclear explosion. The eruption of Mount can produce natural mushroom clouds. Mushroom clouds are formed due to thermal changes and the types of clouds suddenly.

6. Cirrus Kelvin-Helmholtz

Kelvin-Helmholtz Cirrus comes lined, spiral and horizontal or Kelvin-Helmholtz Cirrus is one of the most distinctive cloud formations. However, these clouds are formed only a minute or two, the result is rarely seen clouds. The average height is about 16,500 feet

7. Lenticular Clouds

Lenticular clouds, technically known as altocumulus lenticular booth is shaped clouds that form at high altitudes.
When wet air flows unstable in hilly or mountainous area, a series of waves formed by a large scale, the cloud formed when the wind. Under certain conditions, the lenticular cloud formations known as "wave clouds". These clouds are often mistaken for UFOs!

8. Clouds roll

The clouds roll formed from a horizontal pipe with a flurry of storm clouds, or a cloud cold. Clouds roll can also be a sign of microburst activity.

9. Shelf Cloud

Unlike a roll cloud, cloud Shelf (shelf) is connected to the base of a cloud (normally takes place when there is a storm). The movement of the cloud outside looks soft and straight, while the interior looks bumpy and torn.

10. Stratocumulus Clouds

According to the Sapporo Meteorological Observatory, stratocumulus clouds formed by buried currents of warm air and cold air currents. These clouds are seldom seen.
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